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Gregg R. Sanford, Randall D. Jackson, Eric G. Booth, Janet L. Hedtcke, Valentin Picasso, Perenniality and diversity drive output stability and resilience in a 26-year cropping systems experiment, Field Crops Research, Volume 263,2021,108071,ISSN 0378-4290,




Cates AM, Sanford GR, Dirks AC, Rui, Y, von Haden AC, Jach-Smith LC, Jackson RD. In prep. Failing to deliver: Why isn’t soil C accumulating under best management practices in the upper Midwest?, in prep


Cates AM, Tfaily M, Chu RK, Jackson RD. Molecular characterization of soil fractions with ESI-FTICR. Reynolds J, Bell MM, Grace J, Gratton C, Jackson RD, Keeley K, Mayerfeld D. Submitted. A vision for perennial agriculture. International Journal of Agriculture & Sustainability, in prep


Sanford GR, Jackson RD, Rui Y, Kucharik CJ. Soil carbon dynamics along an agroecosystem land-cover gradient on the Mollisols of southern Wisconsin. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in prep


Sanford GR, Jackson RD, Booth EG, Hedtcke JL, Picasso Risso V. 2020. Perenniality and diversity drive output stability and resilience in a 26-year cropping systems experiment. Field Crops Research, in review


Jackson RD. 2020. Soil nitrate leaching under grazed cool-season grass pasture in the North Central US. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, in press


Wanger TC, et al. 2020. Integrating agroecological production in a robust post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Nature Ecology & Evolution, in press


Cates AM, Ruark MD, Grandy AS, Jackson RD. 2019. Small responses of the soil C cycle to three years of cover crops in maize cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 286: 106649


Jackson RD, Isidore B, Cates RL. 2019. Are plant-soil dynamics in pastures managed organically different? A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 279: 53-57


von Haden AC, Kucharik CJ, Jackson RD, Marín-Spiotta E. 2019. Litter quantity, litter chemistry, and soil texture control changes in soil organic carbon fractions under bioenergy cropping systems of the North Central U.S. Biogeochemistry 143: 313–326


Cates AM, Braus MJ, Whitman TL, Jackson RD. 2019. Separate drivers for microbial C mineralization and physical protection of C. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 133:72-82 doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.02.014


Ivancic, K.A., M.D. Ruark, F.J. Arriaga, and E.M. Silva. 2019. Spring-seeded green manures continue to demonstrate variable benefits on sandy soil. HortScience. 54:2031-2038 

Vincent-Caboud, L., L. Vereecke, E.M. Silva, and J. Peigné. 2019. Cover crop effectiveness varies in cover crop-based rotational tillage organic soybean systems depending on species and environment. Agronomy 9:319.





Cates AM, Sanford GR, Ward Good L, Jackson RD. 2018. What do we know about cover crop efficacy in the North Central US? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73: 153A-157A doi:10.2489/jswc.73.6.153A


Cates AM, Jackson RD. 2018. Cover crops can increase net ecosystem carbon balance when maize residue is not harvested. Agronomy Journal 110: 1-9 doi:10.2134/agronj2018.01.0045


Ivancic, K.A., M.D. Ruark, F.J. Arriaga, and E.M. Silva. 201X. Spring-seeded green manures continue to demonstrate variable benefits on sandy soil. HortScience. In press.


Jackson RD, Isidore B, Cates RL. 2019. Are plant-soil dynamics in pastures managed organically different? A review Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 279: 53-57


Lanker, Marisa, Michael M. Bell, and Valentin Picasso Risso. (Forthcoming.) “Farmer perspectives and experiences introducing the novel perennial grain Kernza Intermediate wheatgrass in the US Midwest.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.


Ruark et al., 2018. Does cover crop radish supply N to corn? Agronomy Journal, 110:1-10.


Silva, E.M. and L. Vereecke. 2019. Optimizing organic cover crop-based rotational tillage systems for early soybean growth. Organic Agriculture. Firstview 1-11.


Stute, J.K. and D.E. Shekinah. 2019. Planting date and biculture affect Sunn hemp productivity in the Midwest. Sustainable Agriculture Research 8:26-35. doi: 10.5539/sar.v8n2p26


Shekinah, D.E. and J.K. Stute. 2019. Synergy and/or antagonism in cover crop sequence: rotational effects on rye in the Midwest. Sustainable Agriculture Research 8:90-100. doi:10.5539/sar.v8n2p90


Smith et al., 2019. Interseeding cover crops in row-cultivated corn. University of WisconsinMadison, Division of Extension Pub. A4175


Vincent-Caboud, L., Casagrande, M., David, C., Ryan, M.R., Silva, E.M., and Peigné, J. 2019. Using mulch from cover crops to facilitate organic no-till soybean and maize production – a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. In press.


Wattiaux MA, Uddin EM, Letelier P, Jackson RD, Larson RA. 2019. Emission and mitigation of greenhouse gases from dairy farms: the cow, the manure and the field. Applied Animal Science 35: 238-254


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